Group Booking
Grab the gang and get booking. Find out about discounts and packages available for group bookings at the Theatre.

Entertain your guests
Make your big night even bigger; whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, engagement, staff party, team building, or anything in between, celebrate in style and get the VIP treatment.
For larger groups, you can book pre-show packages with food and beverage options to make your event unforgettable, as well as avail of discounts for group bookings on selected performances.
Group Discounts
Enjoy attractive group discounts for large groups and organisations on selected shows.
Group Rates
Public group rates are available on selected performances. Check the performance information page for availability.
Mailing List
Join our Groups mailing list to be the first to hear about new group offers and discounts.
Pay your balance across an extended time period to manage group payment.
We can offer pre or post-show hospitality packages for your group, ranging from ice cream to drinks receptions and catering.
Dedicated Team
The Box Office team is just a phone call away and here to assist you with any questions you may have about customising your experience.
Entertaining Clients?
The Grand Opera House offers corporate hospitality packages for businesses', perfect for staff engagement, networking and more.
Corporate HospitalityFriends Memberships
Let's be Friends! Find out about Grand Opera House memberships including priority booking, discounts, and more.
Become a MemberGive the gift
of theatre
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